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Tuesday, March 6, 2007

A More Fun Topic

Okay, today we need a lighter topic. Let's talk about dogs. I would post more pictures, but it's easier just to look at K's blog - she's obsessed and is always posting pictures of them. If you look at today's entry you will find pictures of them passed out on top of mama. They're pretty cute, huh?!? Anyway, Baxter (the 4-legged red human) is a pretty smart little guy. I have been taking him to run on Tuesdays & Thursdays after work, and both days I ride the trainer in the morning. Side note - I can't wait for it to warm up a little bit and get outside for at least one of these rides!!. Sorry, back to the main topic. So, I get up earlier than K to start my ride and eventually she gets up. So, what does Baxter do? Starts wagging his tail and "being good". See, he thinks if he lays his ears back, looks really sweet and adorable, he will get what he wants. Mostly because that works on K every...single....time. :) And on me a lot. But it's when he sits up like this and starts swishing his tail back and forth that I know he thinks he's going running. And today, I had to disappoint him. He was crushed. He will run tomorrow, Thursday, and Sunday, though, so it'll be okay. The thing is, how does he know that the pattern is now bike am, run pm? He just knows it. I've been around dogs and I know they are not all this smart (Abby is one example, for sure!), but man. This guy is really, really smart. Like, we have to sneak our running shoes and clothes out if he doesn't get to go. What a great running buddy! If you read my IMWI race report, then you know that he helped get me through it. I guess I'm as disappointed not to run with him, as he is with me...


Iron Krista, "The Dog Mom" said...

Baxter is sitting staring at me RIGHT NOW showing me how "good" he is. I just have to work up the courage to go run on my calves.... Pretty sure B will help me with that!

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