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Monday, March 19, 2007

Catching up

Okay, I'm not doing very well at keeping this blog updated regularly. I am going to try and be better about that. There is so much going on that I'm finding it hard to get everything done. We are now into week 7 of our 20 week Ironman training plan, so things are started to get more difficult. But, in a weird way, it's easier at the same time. How does that work? Well, I think it has to do with habit. After 6 weeks of the same basic schedule, you just kind-of get used to how things go. My basic plan:
M - Long Swim & Weights
T - Recovery Bike & Tempo/Speed Run
W - Tempo/Speed Swim & Weights
Th - Recovery Run & Tempo/Speed Bike
F - off. Yeah!
S - Long Bike/Brick & Recovery Swim
SU - Long Run

So, you get used to that. There have been a lot of interruptions and variations due to that thing called "life" this time, and that's just the way it has to be. I have only completed all of my workouts in a given week one time. I've missed one or two in 5 out of 6 weeks. Luckily, I went into this plan knowing that business is busy this time of year for me, and that it was likely that I would miss workouts. I considered switching to 8 workouts/week instead of 11, but I figured I could average 10. So why only do 8?

The good news is that I seem to be getting into pretty good shape. I think a lot of fitness somehow carried over from Wisconsin last year. I'm not sure how. I did everything I could to drink beer, um, I mean rest and recover, during the off-season.

Next weekend we will do the Ragnar Relay - a 12 person 187ish mile relay run over approximately 24-28 hours. Stay tuned for details on how that goes!!

1 comment:

momo said...

only 187? i thought it was like 194??? ;-)